Red Rocks - A Climber's Guide

Red Rocks - A Climber's Guide cover photo
Author Jerry Handren
Published Handbook Publishing (2007)



Published in 2007 this is widely thought to be the best ever guide book to Red Rocks Nevada. It makes good use of maps in the text as well as both alphabetical and graded lists of routes, to get you to your chosen climb. The usual star system is adopted for quality recommendations. The author is a Brit now resident in USA.

Crags covered by this Guide
NV Red Rocks crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Pine Creek Canyon 71 Sandstone (hard) ?
Black Velvet Canyon 66 Sandstone (hard) E
Calico Basin, Kraft Mountain 57 Sandstone (hard) NE
Calico Hills, First Pullout 160 Sandstone (hard) SW
Calico Hills, Sandstone Quarry 200 Sandstone (hard) all
Calico Hills, Second Pullout 166 Sandstone (hard) ?
First Creek Canyon & Mount Wilson 25 Sandstone (hard) N
Icebox Canyon 27 Sandstone (hard) ?
Juniper Canyon 32 Sandstone (hard) ?
Oak Creek Canyon 21 Sandstone (hard) S
Strategic Arms 16 Sandstone (soft) NE
The Southern Outcrops & Mud Springs Canyon 30 Sandstone (hard) ?
White Rock Springs 11 Sandstone (hard) NE
Willow Springs 55 Sandstone (hard) NE

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