Roca Verde

Roca Verde 2nd Edition
Author Richie Patterson
Published Roca Verde (2017)
ISBN 978-0-9928874-2-1



2nd Edition - The first edition of the guidebook to everybody's new favorite Spanish climbing destination sold out in just 18 months and so Roca Verde gets a makeover. Totally revised and updated, this new version comes jam-packed with even more crags and routes across the regions of Asturias, Cantabria and Leon in north-west Spain.

Working with many of the most active groups and equippers from each area we have added 6 crags never before published, as well as new sectors at existing crags and a couple of classic crags missed from the first edition. Roca Verde now has over 50 crags with 239 sectors to go at; and with over 500 additional routes there’s a staggering total of nearly 3500 routes packed into this edition.

Other editions of this guidebook
Roca Verde Roca Verde (2016)

Crags covered by this Guide
Asturias crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Berodia 59 Limestone S
Caldueno 71 Limestone S
Carbes 43 - ?
Coalla 11 Limestone SE
Cuevas del Mar 52 Limestone SE
Diedros 17 Limestone SE
El Infierno (Hermida Gorge North) 28 Limestone SE
El Salmon (Hermida Gorge Centre) 35 Limestone S
La Bocandia (Tameza) 20 Limestone SE
Las Cabadas 40 Limestone S
Manzaneda 61 Limestone S
Marabio 28 Limestone SW
Otura 92 Limestone S
Pelugano 168 Limestone S
Poo de Cabrales 84 Limestone S
Prianes 32 Limestone SW
Quirós 300 Limestone SE
Santa Maria 23 Quartzite SW
Teverga 450 Limestone all
Valverdín - Pedrosa 107 Limestone ?
Cantabria crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Urdon (Hermida Gorge North) 36 Limestone S
León crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cerulleda 29 Limestone SW
Hoces Free 109 Limestone SE
Pedrosa 6 - ?
Piedrasecha 100 - ?
Rabanal de Luna 48 Limestone SW

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