Rock Climbing in Donegal

Author Iain Miller
Published Mountaineering Ireland (2015)
ISBN 978-1-56581-231-4



This guidebook is a select guide to County Donegal in the Republic of Ireland.

Crags covered by this Guide
Co. Donegal crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
An Port 80 Quartzite ?
Cnoc an Affrain 35 Microgranite SW
Crohy 45 Granite all
Cruit Island 300 Granite all
Eglish 80 Granite S
Gola Island 200 Granite all
Lough Belshade 50 Granite SE
Malin Head 39 Quartzite SW
Malinbeg 167 Quartzite W
Muckish Mountain 45 Sandstone (hard) all
Muckross Head 73 Sandstone (hard) SW
Poison glen 45 - N
Sail Rock 10 Quartzite SE
Skelpoonagh Bay 64 - NW
Tor na Dumhcha 9 Granite all
Tory Island 4 Granite ?

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