Scottish Rock Climbs

Author Andy Nisbet
Published The Scottish Mountaineering Trust (2005)
ISBN 978-0-907521-86-0



A select guide to rock climbing in Scotland from Galloway to Orkney.

Crags covered by this Guide
Arran crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cir Mhor 75 Granite all
Caithness crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bodach an Uird 4 - all
Cleit Mhor 5 - all
Highland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Polldubh Crags, Glen Nevis 547 Mica schist all
Invernesshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Huntly's Cave 32 Schist NE
Moray crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cummingston 315 Sandstone (soft) N
Sutherland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Creag an Fhithich 22 Gneiss W

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