Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites: Vol 1

Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites: Vol 1
Author James Rushforth
Published Cicerone Press (2018)
ISBN 1852848464.000000


This volume comprehensively covers the Northen, Central and Eastern areas of the Dolomites, including the areas around Cortina, Corvara, Arabba and Pedraces.

Crags covered by this Guide
Dolomites crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Averau 9 Limestone all
Cima di Costabella 2 Dolerite all
Cir Group 10 Limestone S
Col Rosa 1 Limestone all
Cristallo Group 2 Dolerite all
La Mesola 1 - all
Le Cianpedele 1 Dolerite all
Marmolada 200 Limestone all
Pale di San Martino 11 Limestone all
Punta Fiames 10 Dolerite all
Punta Ovest del Forame 1 Dolerite all
Sass de Rocia 100 - all
Sesto Via Ferrata 5 Limestone all
Torre Exner 2 Limestone N
Torre Toblino 2 Limestone all
Val Travenanzes 37 Dolerite all
Trentino-South Tyrol crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cima Catinaccio (Rosengartenspitze) 12 Limestone all
Colac 2 Limestone NW
Monte Paterno 5 Limestone all
Sassongher 1 Dolerite all
Veneto crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cima del Cadin 2 Dolomite all
Tofana di Rozes 15 Limestone S

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