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Climbs 20
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 550m a.s.l
Faces SW

Crag features

A small crag on excellent natural limestone above Alet-les-Bains in the Aude valley south of Limoux. Single and two-pitch sport routes in grades 5/6, and a beginners' area on the right of the cliff. Wide views to the Ariège Pyrenees.

Approach notes

From the village of Alet-les-Bains (9km south of Limoux) turn left onto a small road signposted for Saint Salvayre. At the hamlet park in layby on the right after the chapel.

Walk back through the village and look for a path heading down into the woods on the left, about 300m beyond the hamlet. Follow path steeply down for 10 mins to crag, arriving first at the beginners' area. Climbs are named here from right to left, in keeping with the approach. A key landmark is formed by the two routes of Voie du Petit and En Attendant Lucie, which share a belay chain. L'Arête is the next route to the left.

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