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Climbs 56
Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1734m a.s.l

Crag features

A large alpine meadow littered with a plethora of limestone erratic boulders. There is a lot of good quality rock to be found across 3 defined sectors. There is some scope for more development, particularly in the higher grades and on some of the bigger boulders. Most of the developed porblems are easier than 7A. Landings are generally very good. It is quite high up and with that comes unpredictable weather. 

Approach notes

Park at 43.584690, 18.242363

Follow the sign post next to the road uphill through the valley for about 30 minutes. There is a well defined path and red and white targets painted on the ground level rocks for you to follow. Head towards the big crag which looms on the right in the distance.

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