Climbs 19
Rocktype Sandstone (hard)
Altitude 17m a.s.l

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The main wall © genuinemerchandise

Crag features

A series of walls and geos on generally good rock and generally good protection in a spectacular location. The walk in is fantastic, the views are brilliant and the climbing is right up there with some of the best that Orkney mainland has to offer. 

Most climbs are accessible by scrambling down the large geo but the smaller wall to the south requires abseiling in and hanging belays. The majority of the climbing is non-tidal but big seas and onshore winds will affect the routes available to climb. Some of the routes can be prone to seepage too after heavy rain. 

Approach notes

Head through Stromness and park at the old buildings where the path begins for heading up to the Black Craig weather station. Cross the fence at the stile and follow the path down the hill. After 20 or so minutes you will get to another fence with a stile. Follow this fence down towards the cliffs and you have reached the main geo. 

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