Climbs 22
Rocktype Sandstone (hard)

Faces SW

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new lines © alexmannionclimbing

Crag features

The quarry just after the village of abertysswg. Boulders are a good height and have quality rock and moves.

High up are a maze of large buttresses only a few of which have routes developed.

Sunny and not unreasonably prone to seepage.

Two closed projects.

Approach notes

Just after abertysswg keep following the road until a sharp left is reached. Directly in front is a small lane, drive down here and park by some small blocks. Walk 2 mins down the path until a path up left is reached. Walk up and shewring etc is on your left. For pitstar keep following main path until to amazing aretes are seen up and left. The pit and block are below this just right.

The routes are high up on the left side of the extensive quarry. Follow the path up through the trees and bracken directly from the parked car. In 12.69mins the first area.the ivied tower of Flock Ewe is reached then a steep precarious path across the scree leads to the other buttresses.

Nice area with scope for new problems on the hill.
fyfee8a - 06/Jul/12
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