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Climbs 129
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 55m a.s.l
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Crag features

Agiofarango is a 1.3km long canyon leading to an idyllic beach of the southern Crete coast. It offers routes in various grades from 3a to 8c, single or multi-pitch, slabs or tufa caves on excellent limestone rock. Several sectors are scattered on both canyon sides with at least some climbing always in the shade.

Agiofarango is well known for two large limestone cave formations, with overhanging climbing from 6c to 8c, but there are many easier routes, both sport and trad, on the beach and down the length of the canyon.

As found in the following website:
Sectors are numbered 1 to 12 as found on the left whilst walking towards the beach, and 13 to 18 on the opposite side when walking back up to the car park, so sector 1 and 18 are facing each other at the canyon's entrance.

Approach notes

Drive to the Agiofarago cark park. You will need a vehicle with good ground clearance. From here the climbing is 5 minutes beyond a small cafe shack.

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