Climbs 88
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 593m a.s.l
Faces W

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A perfect day at Alaro. © shed dweller

Crag features

The elongated hulk of Alaró dominates the view towards the mountains when travelling along the main road that crosses the interior of Mallorca. The small number of existing routes are mostly brilliant and on wonderful rock formations. Sector Chorreras offers 30m pitches up immaculate tufa systems ranging from the pencil-thin to tree-trunk-like. Just to the right, some incredible looking high-grade lines that take the wall above the older slab routes have been established. The other two sectors are not quite as spectacular, but still have some major routes. These include some easier ones on Paret de sa Porta, and some multi-pitch routes on Sector del Medio.

Approach notes


Drive into Alaró and pick up signs for 'Castillo d'Alaró'. It is possible to avoid the complex centre if you turn right on entering the town (as shown on the map), but if you miss this, there are other options. Once on the road up the hill it soon turns into a twisting dirt track. Eventually the track arrives at the restaurant. Park here, or, if this is full, at some pull-ins further down the road. For the detailed approaches see the individual sector descriptions. It is also possible to drive on further up the track and park at the top, although this isn't advised as the gate by the restaurant is sometimes shut in the evenings and the track is very rough.

Restricted Access


The landowners do not permit climbing and there have been problems with access in the distant past particularly on the Paret de sa Porta crags directly below the castle itself. In the more remote sectors, problems are very unlikely to occur. The best advice is to use only the described approaches and to leave if asked.

There is also a legal article prohibiting climbing on much of the crag due to nesting birds, between February and July. The ban does not apply to Pared de Sa Porta and Castell d'Alaro. (

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