Climbs 241
Rocktype Andesite
Altitude 736m a.s.l
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"Freak Out" © JamesRoddie

Crag features

A crag for all seasons.  The various aspects of Aonach dubh hold a huge variety of climbing - in Summer it has everything from easy classics through the mid extremes to some unrepeated lines.  In winter it comes into its own in cold snaps with a huge variety of mixed and ice lines including some elusive once in a lifetime routes such as Fingals Chimney, Eliotts Downfall and Amazonia.

Approach notes

Please see the appropriatte guidebooks.  Many of the Aonach dubh approachs and descents involve care and attention summer or winter.

Be aware that the SMC topo is incorrect for section of wall with Spider etc on. The descriptions are not quite right either (it mentions going to the belays of certain routes but its not quite right) and the tree is very dead and not visible from the ground.
arose - 25/Apr/15
lots of mistakes on here
Drexciyan - 29/May/12
Curved Crack Severe** and Quiver Rib Diff on the East face - interesing climbs which an even more interesting descent route. Not for the faint hearted!
Angela McGuckin - 16/Oct/06
You can also scramble down and left along the the ledge from the tree. Again, care required.
Jamie B. - 14/Jul/05
The dilapidated tree above Weeping Wall mentioned in the guide for abseiling off (as alternative to top pitch of Spider) looks well dodgy and totally unsuitable for abseiling. Best top out and combine with some great routes above.
Jon Earnshaw - 22/Apr/03
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