Climbs 15
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 175m a.s.l
Faces NE

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The Outpost © deepstar

Crag features

A small but striking crag, surprisingly little used given its proximity to Bath University. The main cliff known locally as the Outpost at 9 metres high (measured) that's 29ft 6 and 1 half inches in old money, has a couple of steep crack climbs topped by an overhanging lid.The northern aspect has some worthwhile routes,the Original Route H.S.(first ascent M.Bazley, B.Gooding 1964).There are some other small crags in the area by the old mine entrances and 100 metres or so South of the Outpost are a few little craglets that should be worth investigating including "The House of Cards" and The Ancient Beech Buttress" and a small rock table known as the Devils Table 3m high which used to be good bouldering, now sadly overgrown.The rock type is Oolitic Limestone similar to the rock at Croscombe Crags not the more usual climbing medium of Carboniferous Limestone.

Approach notes

Closest access point is Hantone Hill (housing estate) in Bathampton. Free parking. Take the public footpath between houses in the SE corner of the estate. Once through the kissing gate turn right and walk up the hill for 150m or so until you meet the way-mark post on the Bath Skyline path which crosses from L to R. Turn left and follow the Skyline path for 50m, the Outpost is on your right.

Alternatively, park in Bath University car parks(pay&display)walk northward through the campus until you emerge on the golf course(the golfers are not friendly)turn right and follow the path until it bends left then descend into the trees, the mine entrance of Freshers folie is the first crag on your left quickly followed by the Outpost.

Access Advice

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 1 February to 1 July

Reason: Nesting Birds

Mike's Boulder - Nesting birds. Please do not climb here until nesting season is over

There is an additional boulder just off the Skyline path on the opposite side of the hill. All of the various rocks can be found here
James Moyle - 20/Jun/20
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