Climbs 211
Rocktype Quartzite
Altitude 650m a.s.l
Faces N

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Evening falls and finally the magnificent Triple Buttress shows it’s face © Al Todd

Crag features

The Triple Buttresses of Beinn Eighe, located in the stunning Coire Mhic Fhearchair is one of the most impressive cliffs in Scotland. The sandstone buttresses are capped by large quartzite cliffs.

Theres an array of classic summer rock and steep mixed climbs as well as some long mounteering journeys. 

Approach notes

Beinn Eighe is a nature reserve on National Trust for Scotland land.

As does Grooving High
Captain Solo - 28/May/11
The Pale Diedre appears twice ^
Andy Moles - 15/May/11
henry mcelroy about 12 hrs to do all three finishing in torridon!
pierro - 26/Nov/06
Do not expect easy routefinding on Central Buttress; every one that climbs it seems to find a different line. And don't go near it if you don't know you can finish it; retreat would be a loose nightmare.
Jamie B. - 04/Oct/05
sorry to see there is no comments, we were looking at walking this at the end of august, setting off from kinlochewe and finishing at torridon how long do you think it will take at an average pace?
henry mcelroy - 07/Jul/04
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