Climbs 159
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 258m a.s.l
Faces N

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Bell Hagg © Lizziemaher

Crag features

Bell Hagg is a well used crag on the outskirts of Sheffield consisting of a series of buttresses of varying heights. Although there are many recorded routes, most people come here for the bouldering. The proximity to Sheffield has led to the place being intensely used over the years hence there are at least five eliminates for every problem listed. The three buttresses covered are steep and undercut. Most problems do top out but some can get quite high, especially on Lurcher Buttress, so it is important to work out your retreat before setting off.

Approach notes

The edge is situated on the north-facing slope below Hallamshire Golf Course. From the parking at the dirt section at the end of Moorbank Road, walk along a level path for 50m, then take the steps that lead up on the left. Follow the path through the woods to reach the various buttresses.

Local youths have been having a nice time around the central area, a lot more rubbish scattered around than on previous visits. My friend and I took two sacks of rubbish out today. Take a bag with you if you visit and help keep on top of it so it doesnt descend into a landfill site :)
ActionSte - 02/May/17
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