Climbs 202
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 260m a.s.l
Faces S

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Classic autumn conditions at Brin Rock. © Alastair R

Crag features

These four buttresses lie on the south side of Creag Dhubh above the B851. Many boulders lie scattered below the crags and offer all styles and grades of problems. Details of the traditional climbs on Brin Rock can be found in the SMC Highland Outcrops Guide and a guide to the bouldering can be found at

Brin Rock now has a selection of sport routes on two separate buttresses. The routes on Crag one are best described (and parking/directions) in Scottish Sport Climbs. For sport on the Zed buttress follow directions in Highland Outcrops and park as for the bouldering.

"Airy and exposed climbing on very sound rock! A good head is required as protection is fairly spaced but this makes the climbing all the better! Access is hard work up a steep densely vegetated slope but well worth the effort!!"

Approach notes

Please park considerately in the spaces before reaching the gate enterance.

2022: New deer fence erected in the field previously crossed to get to the boulders. The landowner has left a gap along side the deer fence to allow access.

2023: New gate at the normal parking spot but a "parking for climbers" sign has been erected so no issues continuing to park there.

Great venue{despite the dreaded Midge} Alot of problems are getting vegitated due to the lack of traffic....Also Projects galore if you dont mind a bit of gardening. Middle of the Big Black Roof has a possible 7c/8? if your brave enough. Sussurus Bloc may have a couple of hard lines/projects as well
scragrock - 25/May/15
Some boulders have been fully reclaimed by the forest. Little britian is an inch deep in moss and psikabloc has a tree on it. Most other boulders remain clean. Good winter venue as it's south facing.
Hamfunk - 16/Dec/14
Good trad if you can hack the boulder and heather bash, and a great bouldering circuit that deserves more attention and a proper write-up on here (where is Brin Done Before?? :0). Worth noting that despite the comments on the classic Spank The Ramp, there is no point ruining it by somehow ignoring the good hold directly in the middle of the problem - it is a proper line not some shitty eliminate....this is not bloody Boltsheugh!!
Fiend - 27/Feb/13
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