Climbs 89
Rocktype Granite
Altitude 201m a.s.l
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Sunset at Carn Brea after some bouldering!! © Master Chief

Crag features

An interesting area sat atop the large hill in the village of Carn Brea. The area is easily spotted as there is a hugh monument on top of the hill guiding you to the boulders. Lots of varying problems of all sorts available with mostly excellent grassy landings. Access is a simple couple of minutes walk from the carpark which is used by many visitors.

The best area is just to the left of the monument and has an excellent boulder with some good arete climbs including classic arĂȘte at V2, also The Wave at V3 and Pond Wall at V6 all well worth seeking out.

To the east of the carpark the first boulder on the left as you approach the castle (Snoopy boulder) harbours a few worthwhile problems, Gordon Brown and Snoopy. Also to the other side of the track of the Snoopy boulder Hidden Tiered Boulder supplies many eliminate problems that may entertain for hours, but beware feldspar crystals are out to get you!

Much development was made by locals including Bob Lambourne and John Burgess however many problems have a deep and often cloudy history of accents. Credit to Barney Carver and Andy Whall who have added greatly to the information on this page, however grades are mostly the opinion of joese7en (I have probably overgraded and undergraded lots, probably not so much the latter?). Names of the problems may be wrong, if anyone has a problem with a name or grade contact me and I will amend.

There is a BIG litter problem here PLEASE pick any up that may be lying around to ensure enjoyment for all.

Approach notes

As mentioned the visitors carpark provides excellent access and a perfect spot to explore the rest of the boulders scattered about.

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