Climbs 26
Rocktype Sandstone (hard)
Altitude 268m a.s.l
Faces N

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Kin Choi on Ravens Buttress, Coe Crag. One of those steep Coe Crag Hard Severes. © JDal

Crag features

An exposed crag with stunning views and a remote feel. Most routes are in the VS-HVS range. A fine spot for bilberries.

June 2024 - currently peregrines nesting on Cave Buttress.


Approach notes

From the a697 Morpeth - Wooler road,800 metres N of the B6341 junction there is a bend with a minor road signposted "Thrunton Wood". Park about 200 metres from the junction near a forestry road on the West. Follow the forestry road past the pylons and the recently felled area until a left turn near some still-standing forest. Head off right up a track through the trees, coming out at the top of the hill. Follow the path right to the trig then left along the edge, reaching the crag soon after (or cut straight across after emerging from the woods).

Restricted Access

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 1 March to 1 September

Reason: Nesting Birds

Peregrine nest found at Cave Buttress on 12/5/2024.

Best advice is to avoid crag. But if you are there look out for behaviour including:

  • Birds flying in front of the crag repeatedly with persistent calling
  • Any aggressive behaviour
  • Repeated bird activity in the same area

If this behaviour is observed, please withdraw as quickly as possible to avoid the chicks or eggs becoming chilled causing them to perish.

It is a criminal offense to intentionally or recklessly kill, injure or take a Peregrine.

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