Climbs 11
Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 86m a.s.l
Faces SE

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Craigpark Quarry buttress map © JamieSparkes

Crag features

Huge underdeveloped crag just over the canal from EICA Ratho with plenty of new route potential

Raven Buttress  This has now been destroyed/buried by work on the wave park
This has some areas of good clean rock but there is a some looser stuff about. Easy belays from new tree plantation. A few hours cleaning could give at least 20 routes in the lower grades.

Bay Area Access currently blocked by wave park work
Very sheltered little alcove with some nice compact walls. One good little sport route so far.

The Watchtower
The obvious buttress - rock is compact and clean but a few turfy lumps could do with shifting before an ascent. good tree belays above.

The Avenue
Round the corner from the watchtower is a steep slab with trees at it's base. The slabs behind the trees are very compact - one excellent slab route here so far and potential here for 3-4 more.

Pipe Wall
The more open wall, very obvious from Ratho when the leaves are off the trees. Compact and slabby with 3 bolt lines so far and potential for 3-4 new lines.

Approach notes

Park at EICA Ratho or hop the fence at the last bus stop on the main road in ratho and follow the good track down past the old weighbridge.

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