Climbs 96
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 217m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Sticking the top of one of Yorkshires idilic boulders © JamesAlexanderTurnbull

Approach notes

Private Land - Low Profile No Large Groups.

The potential of Crow Crag has gradually come to light though lines still remain unexplored. Despite the woodland location the excellent rock dries pretty quickly and there are some strong lines. The crag takes the form of a number of blocks interspersed with taller walls.  Navigating between them can be tricky due to the preponderance of holly trees.  It is usually sensible to drop low and climb back up to the block you are seeking.

The crag is on private land and no right of access has been negotiated.  Nevertheless climbers have operated here for many years with no complaint from the landowner.  The good behaviour that has made this possible should be continued AND STICK TO THE APPROACH DESCRIBED BELOW. Under no circumstances should you climb the wall or cross the field above the crag.

Parking for two cars (max) can be found 200m south of High Pasture Farm on Hartwith Bank, reached by either driving up from Summerbridge or down from the junction below Brimham rocks.  Please park sensibly and don’t block the road.  A stone style leads into the Old Spring Wood Nature Reserve.  Follow the path by the wall (it bends left then right) to where it crosses at another stone stile/gap and descends diagonally through the wood.  On leaving the wood at a gate, a path following a barbed wire fence will be seen on the right.  Follow this (going beneath the crag) and cross it carefully at your chosen spot.  On first acquaintance it is probably best to identify the mighty Vomer Buttress which is an obvious feature.

Restricted Access

Not on access land but no known problems. Please be on your very best behaviour. No large groups.

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