Climbs 71
Rocktype Grit (quarried)
Altitude 270m a.s.l
Faces S

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Nogare (or one of the identical routes thereabouts) © Simon Caldwell

Crag features

A long south facing wall and at the left hand side a smaller east facing wall.

Approach notes

Peregrines have used the main wall for nesting since 1988, this is monitored by the RSPB. Climbing is therefore not allowed from 1st March to 31st July.
Avoid blocking the east gate.

Access Advice

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 1 March to 30 June

Reason: Nesting Birds

This site contains an established peregrine nest site.

Beautiful Barn Owl nesting at 3/4 height on the VS Catch It (07/02/24)- dive-bombed me and I deservedly took the ground fall 🤣🤣
AidanG - 10/Feb/24
Initials help identify the start of the routes. The dry stone wall is solid for belays and the walk off along the top is straight forward. Nice solid clean rock, was pleasantly surprised!
Alex Thompson - 12/Sep/14
Start a thread on here and discuss formally at the BMC Area Comm, sound sensible unless anyone has better idea?
Alex Thompson - 10/Oct/13
Due to the total lack of belays at the top (if you don't want to belay to the unsafe dry stone wall) and the slippery narrow path along the top, how about we install some abseil bolts in the concrete blocks along the top? Makes prefect sense to me.
Frank the Husky - 10/Oct/13
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