Climbs 31
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 480m a.s.l
Faces N

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Deer Knowl scramble in winter condition © pec

Crag features

Deer Knowl is a discrete, shy collection of craglets that hide in the shadow of the mighty Shining Clough. It is often bypassed by climbers on their way to bigger game. As with many things though, it's not always size that matters. Deer Knowl hosts a number of really good routes which pack an awful lot of interest into their short height.

The rock is clean and well-weathered but its northerly aspect means the routes can be green and slow-drying after rain.

Approach notes

Park at the southwest corner of the Woodhead Reservoir where the B6105 runs across the dam to join the Woodhead (A628) road. Follow the gated tarmac road around some old railway cottages and take the old cart track opposite the cottages and behind an electricity pylon. The track leads steeply up the hillside to the foot of the rocks and is conveniently marked by a series of old fence posts.

Approach time: 45 mins

No Access Issues

To avoid any confrontation with the landowners, please use the approach described below:


Access restrictions under CRoW  sometimes apply, these vary each year - see signing at access points, or check the PDNP website for closure dates.


2023 published closure dates are: - August 14th - 18th ,21st - 25th, 29th 31st; September 1st, 4th-8th, 11th - 15th, 18th - 21st 

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