Climbs 62
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 885m a.s.l
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Perfect climbing on Menghini © Heike

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Garbh Bheinn is a steep mountain in the Ardgour area in the west of Scotland. It is much more prominent, in both a general and topographic sense, than many Munros, but because it is under 3000 feet and in a geographically isolated area, it is relatively infrequently climbed. Like other summits in the Ardgour area, it has been cited by those who deride the obsession with Munro bagging. From the summit, there are extensive views east to Ben Nevis and the mountains of Glen Coe, and west to several islands.

approach description seemed extremely unhelpful. to approach, follow the well worn trail up the south ridge to the smaller of the two summits (823m) at which point to crag comes into view.
joe hallam - 07/Sep/23
Needs updated. While Sgian Dubh is given Vdiff in the Garry Latte Guide there is no way that this is the case. The Clasp is E1 in both SMC and Garry latter while given HVS on here. Definitely more E1 than HVS!
arose - 27/Jul/15
Needs an update. 67 routes on a wide variety of crags in the OLD Glencoe Guide!
Andy Say - 13/Oct/12
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