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Climbs 172
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 186m a.s.l
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Crag features

The center of the Gardiole area includes climbing sites situated on the seaward side of the Mount Puget. The bolting of the routes varies from one area to another. Many parts of Castelvieil and Devenson have large areas of routes that remain bolt-free.

Concave: Beautiful slabs and big overhangs, free bolted, trad and aid climbing.

Devenson: Maybe the most adventurous area of Les Calanques. Some routes are committing. Both bolted and trad routes up rock of variable quality.�

Eissadon: Steep ines over the sea.�

Oule: Lot of beautiful�overhangs, with lot of big jugs. Rock seems to be perfect, but sometimes has been�chipped.

Castelvieil: The most iconic seacliff. All styles, all rocks!

En Vau: Maybe the most beautiful Calanque. Perfect for beginners, but some hard bolted routes too.

Approach notes

Walking Time: 40 - 90 mins.

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