Climbs 427
Rocktype Rhyolite
Altitude 193m a.s.l
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Paul runs it out to the summit. © Fraser

Crag features

A deeply-incised gorge with some imposing soaring granite walls and a collection of both single and multi-pitch climbs. Many of the routes here were climbed long ago but some of the better routes have been given a make-over and are worth a visit any itinerant sport climber.

There are many more buttresses, walls and towers scattered around the Gorges du Blavet that are well worth exploring. A good path runs along the base and gives a good short walk and a way to get a look around the place.

The Gorges du Blavet crags generally get afternoon shade and are well sheltered, especially the ones in the gorge proper. They can be slow to dry after rain, but provide a welcome retreat on hot days.

Approach notes

Exit the A8 at J36 or J37 onto the D7 that connects Le Muy and Pugent-sur-Argens. Midway between these two towns is a small road leading north to La Bouverie from a roundabout. Drive into the town and, at a roundabout in the centre, follow the exit towards 'Bagnols en Forêt'. This leads to the D47 which is the minor road that runs above the gorge on its way from Le Muy to Bagnols en Foret. The areas described are approached from one of two parking places beside the D47. 

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