Climbs 97
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 346m a.s.l
Faces SW

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It is still possible to climb in wild places within the Peak © Stuart Brooks

Crag features

Harland Edge is a scenic and exposed spot with just enough vaue to justify the awkward approach. The range of bouldering isn't extensive but it will certainly be appreciated by those who like solitude in a beautiful and wild setting.

Plenty of sun and exposure make this a quick-drying venue but it will catch any bad weather that is going.

Approach notes

The edge is approached from Beeley which is on the B6012 between Chatsworth and the A6 at Rowsley. In Beeley, turn east on Chesterfield Road and follow this for 2.7km to where the road turns right and an unpaved road leads off to the left (parking for the Rabbit Warren). Continue along the road taking left turns at two junctions for a further 2km. Parking is possible on the right side of the road in a small lay-by just before the road turns to the right. Walk up the road in the direction of the mile-marker stone. Carefully hop over the wall and follow the vaguesgt path imaginable in a northwest direction, contouring the side of a low hill, heading for the rocks.


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