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Climbs 14
Rocktype Grit (quarried)
Altitude 220m a.s.l
Faces S

Crag features

Small gritstone quarry with a couple of worthwhile routes, could be joined up to a trip to the neighbouring John-Henry Quarry. The quarry has character not least because of the varied livestock occasionally living beneath the faces; their pens abut the rock in places. The routes are particularly serious for those who second for they must stand their ground against these denizens. One year it will be a vicious cockerel, the following season it may be a disgruntled pig. It may be necessary to descend then ascend routes so as to avoid setting foot on the ground; this is the extra dimension gained through climbing at Harry's.

Approach notes

The quarry is entered through a gate from a lane behind the cottages opposite The Bulls Head. The quarry used to be owned by Harry Blackburn at no47, but he has sadly departed his mortal coil and the ownership isn’t really all that clear. Those who do not fear livestock enter the quarry at their own risk and will of course shut the gate behind them. Shutting the gate keeps the animals in and, by restricting your chance of a fast retreat, adds to the excitement of the visit.

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