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Climbs 3
Rocktype Gneiss

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Home to the Classic long ice and mixed routes La Loutre and Pomme D'or 

Approach notes

For the Classic Routes La Loutre and Pomme D'or park at the draveurs Visitor centre. Following the east side of the river up north, there's a groomed trail that in 5 km takes you to the base the wall. There are kilometer signs along the trail. Around 3.5 k in there's a cabin with wood stove and washrooms, just in case the day was too much of an epic. Around 5 km in watch for the sign on the left "la pomme d'or". This is where you leave the trail and cross the river. Once crossed, follow the river back down for approx 200 meters to the big boulder some 20 meters from the shore. From there find the beginning of the flagged trail which will take you up and gradually right to the gully at the beginning of the climbing. 40 min to an hour and half from the river depending on the amount of snow.

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