Climbs 122
Rocktype Grit (quarried)
Altitude 274m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Craig Bailey crimping hard on Dragon's Route (E3 5c*), Hobson Moor Quarry. © Architectonic

Crag features

Once a bit of a dump (and also used as a dumping ground) the quarry has been cleaned up, landscaped and now provides a valuable resource for local climbers, thanks to the far-sighted attitude of Tameside Council. A good roadside venue with a variety of boulder problems and routes across the grades.

The quarry is quite sheltered from the wind, does not tend to seep, and dries quickly after rain. The walls face south and southwest and it is often possible to chase some sun or shade. 'Hobby Moor' is the perfect spot for an evening workout.

Approach notes

From the A6018 Mottram to Stalybridge road, take the minor road opposite a set of new build flats for 500m keeping left at any junction. Park next to the quarry.

No Access Issues

No access issues reported but watch out for car break-ins. Please be careful of this broken glass whilst climbing.

There has been a recent and massive clean up of the place with many previously unclimbable routes now in good condition. Most of this work has been done by the marvellous Ben Tetler. Come along and climb here, you won't regret it.
Frank the Husky - 17/May/16
There must have been a bit of a clean up since the last comment as there isn't much fly tipped rubbish - still a fair load of small pieces of a glass though - a shame 'cus puts me off bringing my toddler here.
noteviljoe - 11/Jul/13
Saw some guys shooting air guns here, some ledges covered in smashed glass bottles. Lots of fly tipped rubbish, crag is in dire need of a cleanup.
James Oakes - 21/May/13
Clean up? I was very disappointed to see smashed glass EVERYWHERE!!! Also seems to be frequented by campers bent on leaving a friggin mess - a real shame cos the bouldering is quite good.
jules699 - 15/Sep/12
Now looking better after the recent cleanup!
Paul Evans - 07/May/12
adding to craigh comment - every time ive been here ive got into a routine of going to top of routes after seeing the chavs and 9 out of 10 times the krabs are unscrewed and knots loosened, pity tasers arnt legal for climbers lol. Always check gear if you see chavs hope no1 has accidents due to insensitive idiots
philip1984 - 26/Oct/11
Having been here only 3 times over 5 years the climbing remains nice, but the atmosphere has worsened due to the amount of litter and especially broken glass covering most of the ground. The worst is that bottles are obviusly thrown at the walls, so beware glass lodged in or on holds.
steveshaking - 08/Sep/10
nice place, but very busy with outdoor groups top roping and abseiling on the few climbs around VS
adam06 - 30/Oct/09
Cosy little crag with some great routes. Has a tendency to seep after rain, especially the wall above the main bouldering traverse.
SecretSquirrel - 25/Aug/08
Great venue for the HS to Extreme climber. Not much for beginners. Well sheltered most of the time and a real sun trap. Good stake belays and very rarely crowded.
[email protected] - 03/Apr/07
It is not uncommon for gear to go walk about here. This has happened to a few people I know especially when they have taken groups and set up top ropes. Local kids have taken rigging ropes, crabs and even rucksacks being used as rope protectors. Leave nothing valuble at the top especially if kids are lurking and check rigging frequently.
craig h - 30/Apr/04
The low level traverse is great, and dam hard as well. Some other first rate bouldering here as well. Quite a few bats during the summer evenings devouring the midges as well, viva-la-bat ! Nice quarry, nice setting.
Rory - 18/May/03
The petrol station has now closed, there is a pub opposite as well, think it's the wagon and horses but can check this iain johnson
Iain Johnson - 09/May/03
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