Climbs 427
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 615m a.s.l
Faces N

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Janna on Legacy (HVS 5a), Kinder North © Tim W

Crag features

There is much good climbing on the high and wild edges that ring the Kinder and Bleaklow plateau, and the very best of this is to be found along the north-facing escarpment of Ashop Edge. It is perhaps to be expected that the climbing along this line of cliffs is both difficult of access and out of condition for much of the year, though this adds a certain cachet to days up here - the harder won, all the more memorable.

This cliffs are not the crisp and clean Eastern Edges, but a sterner set of venues. Come prepared for a bit of a battle, wearing your old clothes and in the knowledge that you will go home grubby, battered and tired but hopefully well-satisfied. The best area for a first visit is the Brothers' Buttress, though there is enough up here to keep most climbers busy for years - and then there are all those new routes to go at!

Approach notes

From parking just south of The Snake Inn on the A57 Sheffield - Glossop road, a footpath leaves a few 100m south of the Inn. Follow this alongside Fair Brook to the plateau (50 min). Here, a left turn leads to Chinese Wall and a right out to Misty Wall and the main section of Ashop Edge.

Far and away the easiest (but longer!) approach is to walk in from roadside parking by the summit of Snake Pass and follow the flagged path to Mill Hill from where the rest of the route is obvious. The walk-in takes roughly 2 hours.

Access Advice

The scene of the Kinder trespass in 1932 has no access problems these days. Climbers and walkers should keep dogs under control at all times to avoid disturbing moorland birds and grazing sheep. There is occasional grouse shooting on the moors above Edale and access is not permitted during these periods.

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 15 March to 30 June

Reason: Nesting Birds

A restriction is in place on Big Brother buttress and Little Brother buttress. Please avoid all routes in this section to prevent disturbance to nesting birds. 

A restriction also applies to all routes in the Ampitheatre Area of Kinder Downfall (ie from The Owl Of Minerva to The Downfall Climb) to prevent disturbance to nesting birds. 

Brothers buttress is marked in the wrong place on the map on p.145 of WG. It's much further E - about where Eureka buttress is marked on the map.
Jonathan Lagoe - UKC - 25/Jul/04
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