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Climbs 14
Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 18m a.s.l
Faces W

Crag features

An esoteric, interesting and impressive venue which is of most appeal to lovers of steep, burly climbing. A narrow, tidal gully provides the setting for a limited selection of good problems above (usually) decent landings - a stunning place in the right weather. The problems detailed here are only a small taster - the intrepid will find a lot more rock in the vicinity. The main downside is that the last section of road on the usual drive-in is a nightmare if busy - narrow and pot holed - with limited parking. An alternative approach with a longer (but scenic) walk-in from parking at Start Point is possible.

Approach notes

From Dartmouth or Kingswear, take the A379 to reach a mini-roundabout at Stokenham. Head south, signed for Beesands, Prawle and East Portlemouth. Keep following signs for Start Point (this involves a left turn at one point - keep your eyes open) until a right turn signed for Lannacombe (at Hollowcombe Head, 3 miles from the mini-roundabout at Stokenham). A steep descent leads to a sharp left turn - signed 'dead end' and Lannacombe - take this and keep going on a deteriorating road to reach limited parking at the beach (pay in the honesty box).

The final few miles are very narrow, pot-holed and a challenge if you meet something coming the other way - good luck! Those with shiny cars (or with limited reversing ability) may prefer the longer walk in from Start Point Parking.

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