Climbs 43
Rocktype Quartzite
Altitude 175m a.s.l
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Dale Turrell on the popular The Prow (f7B) Leigh Tor © Emma Rendell

Crag features

Easy, short and very enjoyable climbs on perfect rock, with wonderful views over the Dart valley. Great fun for soloing, and popular with both the local outdoor centre and parents with children.

Approach notes

Coming up the hill from New Bridge, look out for a small parking bay on the right which has room for six vehicles. Follow a path eastwards to a grassy clearing. The boulders and The North Side are directly ahead. The South Side routes are down to the right.

No Access Issues

This crag is owned by the Simpson family who also own River Dart Country Park and CRS Adventures. If a CRS group is using the crag, the crag is likely to be fullto capacity - rRemember they have the right to climb there as they own it. They are more than happy to allow access and it is worth checking with the centre (01364 653444) if they intend to be there on the day of your planned visit.

Take all of the grading with a pinch of salt, worth checking what it’s been voted rather than going off the guidebook!
PilkingtonD - 08/Apr/23
Excellent venue for families. Bottom of crag is safe and enough route options to keep all sizes happy.
Sam W - 13/Aug/21
Very easy routes. Good for beginners or practice setting up belays. Not sure they're 25m routes though?
chers - 04/Sep/12
Interesting boulder round the back. As far as I know no-ones ever done it yet. Good little project, even if a bit out of the way.
Dangerous Dave 123 - 11/Sep/11
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