Climbs 60
Rocktype Gabbro
Altitude 8m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Still feeling Flesh © Alex the Alex

Crag features

Gabbro bouldering and sport in a stunning setting. Immaculate rock, flat landings and the beach next door to cool your fingertips after.  A super spot. 

Good topo here.

The big gabro sport cave is around the corner from the jumble towards Laggan Sands.

Approach notes

Park near the wee post office shed and walk south-east towards the castle. The bouldering is around the obvious outcrops a few hundred meters past the castle. 

Approach time: 10-15mins 

Please do not drive up the estate drive to access the crag. Enjoy the walk instead. Its lovely.

The gorse bush on the Mushroom boulder is starting to cover the top outs again. Worth bringing a small handsaw or secateurs if heading that way.
Alex the Alex - 16/Mar/20
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