Climbs 19
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 589m a.s.l
Faces S

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Topo 1 © Nick1812P

Crag features

This small crag, clearly visible north of the summit of the Snake Pass easily rewards a half day visit. You are unlikely to get much competition in the way of other climbers and the solitude you will experience here, in the right atmospheric conditions, is quite special. The views over the smog ridden Manchester-Salford conurbation are quite excellent.

The crag generally faces south, and gets little seepage. However, this combines with a rather breezy position high on the edge of Coldharbour Moor.

Approach notes

The easiest approach is from the Snake Pass summit. Head northeast along the Pennine Way for about 1.5km until faint paths tracking across left and up the hillside to Higher Shelf Stones can be seen. Take the second path on the left, through a gully, and follow for about 100m until another footpath, with a parallel fence at the top of a steep valley, is reached. Turn right on this path then follow it to the trig point at Higher Shelf Stones, a group of boulders visible from the car park, the crag should be visible to the east follow the path from the trig point to the top of the crag and find a suitable descent path.

Approach time: 35 mins

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