Climbs 1294
Rocktype Granite
Altitude 1m a.s.l
Faces W

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The brilliantly positioned arete of Shark. © Alex the Alex

Crag features

Lies off the Devon coast (and is officially part of Devon, but we think of it more as a place in its own right).

Info on rocktype, and crags, welcome.

Approach notes

For details on accommodation, sailing times of the ferry and camping, contact The Lundy Shore Office on 01237 470074.

Restictions marked on the climbs may be out of date due to the increase in numbers of nesting seabirds on the island. For up to date restricition information please visit the Lundy Island website:

For any queries or concerns, please contact the Lundy Island Warden on [email protected].



Restricted Access

Accommodation details can be obtained from the Landmark Trust (Tel: 01628 825925) . Please check in as a climber with the Lundy Warden on arrival for up to date access information on extended or lifted climbing restrictions, recent rockfall etc. Letting the Landmark Trust know you are a climber when you book your ferry and accommodation doesn't get this information through to the warden so drop in and say hello when you arrive.

A number of rockfalls have affected several crags along the west coast in recent years – please see the CC guidebook supplement for details on what has been affected.

Please do not place any additional abseil/belay stakes or abseil slings without first gaining permission from the Lundy Warden. The approaches to all the cliffs on the island can be safeguarded with enough rope and common sense. This is essential to maintaining a continued good relationship with the Warden and the Landmark Trust.

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 31 March to 15 September

Reason: Nesting Birds

Restrictions on Lundy fall into three categories:

- Unrestricted (year round access)

- Restricted from 31 March - 14 August

- Restricted from 31 March - 15 September

Page numbers refer to the first page of each crag from the CC Lundy (2008) guidebook.

Restrictions are continually monitored by the Lundy Warden and team, but if you see any nesting birds within unrestricted areas, please report to the Warden. If birds fledge early or sites fail, the affected restrictions will be lifted once the warden has confirmed that the site(s) are vacant. Likewise, occasionally nesting may start later in the season requiring extension to the restricted period - always check RAD and with the Warden on arrival for any updates to the restrictions. 

Unrestricted Routes (Year-round Access) 

The Devil’s Slide Area: The Devil’s Slide to The Back of the Slide (pp. 251-257) inclusive 

The East Coast: The Halfway Buttress to The Knight Templar Rocks (pp. 356-359) inclusive 

Restricted Routes (Closed 31 Mar - 14 Aug) 

The South Coast: Damocles Buttress to Kistvaen Buttress (pp. 29-31) inclusive 

The Devil’s Limekiln Area: Hidden Zawn to Leaning Buttress (pp. 33-48) inclusive 

Montagu Steps Area: Weird Wall to Celtic Buttress (pp. 49-60) inclusive 

Pilot’s Quay Area: Atlantic Buttress to Trawlerman’s Buttress (pp. 61-65) inclusive 

Old Light Area: The Old Light Cliff to Two Legged Buttress (pp. 66-88) inclusive 

Alpine Buttress Area: Wolfman Jack Wall to Sunset Promontory (pp. 91-99) inclusive 

Landing Craft Bay: First Buttress South to St Patrick’s Buttress (pp. 100-123) inclusive 

The Flying Buttress Area: Battery Cliff to Flying Buttress Main Cliff (pp. 124-138) inclusive 

Dead Cow Point Area: Beef Buttress to Dead Cow Point (pp. 142-145) inclusive 

Needle Rock Area: The Earthquake to Needle Rock (pp. 153-158) inclusive

Jenny’s Cove: The Pyramid Cliff (pp. 191-194) inclusive 

Beaufort Buttress Area: Picnic Bay Cliff to Beaufort Buttress (pp. 195-207) inclusive 

Grand Falls Zawn Area: Double Headed Zawn to St Mark’s Stone (pp. 208-227) inclusive 

Threequarter Wall Area: Black Bottom Buttress to Ten Foot Zawn (pp. 232-239) inclusive 

The Devil’s Slide Area: St James’s Stone to Starship Zawn (pp. 240-249) & Fluted Face (pp. 259-261) 

Squires View Zawn: Benson’s Buttress to The Fortress (pp. 262-281) inclusive 

Torrey Canyon Bay: St John’s Stone to Torrey Canyon Cliff (pp.282-290) inclusive 

Seal Slab Area: Marisco Walls to Short Story Zawn (pp. 292-308) inclusive 

Arch Zawn Area: Arch Zawn to Long Roost Ridge (pp. 309-323) inclusive 

North Light Area: North West Point to The Constable (pp. 345-353) inclusive 

The East Coast: The Quarries (p. 354) 

Extended Restrictions (Closed 31 Mar - 15 Sep) 

The Flying Buttress Area: Black Jack Zawn to Jemima Buttress (pp. 138-141) inclusive 

Dead Cow Point Area: Fighter Buttress to Banana Buttress (pp. 145-151) inclusive 

Needle Rock Area: The Punchbowl Cliffs (pp. 158-161) 

Jenny’s Cove: The Devil’s Tower to Pathfinder Slabs (pp. 162-191) inclusive 

Threequarter Wall Area: Big Zawn (p. 230) 

Heron Zawn Area: Heron Zawn to Cormorant Zawn (pp. 328-335) inclusive 

North Light Area: Storm Zawn to The North Light Cliffs (pp. 336-345) inclusive 

The East Coast: Gannet’s Buttress to Gannet’s Rock (pp. 360-362) inclusive

These restrictions are subject to constant review and it is important that climbers contact the Warden for updates before your visit or on arrival to the Island.

A copy of the 2024 restrictions PDF is available for download in the File tab near the bottom of this page.


Good work on the clean up! Nice to see all the red gone.
Bobling - 24/Apr/12
Toreador, thank you for cleaning this up. Last time I looked the page was a total mess, must have been a lot of work to get everything sorted!
remus - 30/Sep/11
I agree, and then it could be broken into crag areas (as above). Its too unwieldy at the moment.
mozzer - 21/Sep/10
Shouldn't this section be intergrated into the large "Lundy" section on UKC, rather than on its own?
hcooper - 19/Aug/09
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