Climbs 117
Rocktype Sandstone (hard)
Altitude 24m a.s.l
Faces SE

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Frog Stroker, Mid Clyth. © atibbs

Crag features

More great Caithness climbing, especially concentrated around the Stack Area. Criminally left out of Gary Latter's Scottish Rock guide (to make space for longwinded descriptions of obscure E6s he did the second ascent of and a load of micro-routes on Mull etc.), but well worth a visit, for the seal colony as much as the routes.

Routes here are listed as in the SMC Northern Highlands North (2004) guide from North (right) to South (left), with the exception of the Overhanging Wall Area, where routes are described from left-to-right.

Updated with new routes from the SMC archive: Aug 2020

Worth noting that the climbs from Maelstrom to The Kings Pyjamas seep and have run off early in the year as there is boggy ground above them.
gforce - 19/Apr/15
One of the best climbing areas north of Inverness, certainly the best on the Caithness coast.
Steve Perry - 31/May/12
Shame Clithoral Hood has not been allowed in. Great name!
Ian Jones - 29/Aug/11
Ha! Ha! I agree with the moderator's comments regarding Gary's guide. This place should be in!
Ian Jones - 14/Jun/11
Superb crag in a fabulous setting.
Ian Jones - 13/Jun/11
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