Climbs 105
Rocktype Granite
Altitude 3977m a.s.l
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A snapshot from a life of adventure photographer. In the background climbers on Mont Blanc du Tacul. © Kamil Tamiola

Access Advice

The Trident du Tacul suffered a massive rockfall in September 2018, taking out the lower parts of routes such as Lépiney and Les Intouchables.

Not sure why English grades when it's a glacier access and quite a serious place if weather changes on you. And routes on The Brevent are given Alpine Grades!?
Smith42 - 26/Jul/15
Ben, why is Contamine given a British grade? we're not in Britain! (It's wrong anyway, it's E2 5c)
Alasdair Fulton - 16/Aug/13
Strange to give most of the routes their alpine grades but O Sole Mio a French grade? Could always put the French grade in the description. No big deal, just for consistency and ego stroking purposes :P
Alasdair Fulton - 16/Aug/13
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