Climbs 234
Rocktype Schist
Altitude 91m a.s.l
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Another sunny day in Glen Nevis © T-Cam

Crag features

The heart of bouldering in Lochaber. Excellent quality schist in one of Scotland's great mountain glens. There is a great variety of bouldering to be found from free-standing megaliths with fingery walls and aretes, to steep perma-dry overhangs and caves. The positions and aspects allow bouldering much of the year round, though the bottom of the glen is a dark place in winter. Midges in the summer make the more exposed upper venues a more attractive option at certain times of the year. Some of the less travelled areas may get green quite quickly so bring a brush and check descents before stranding yourself atop the Pine Alps Boulder. A tarp and wellies are also strongly recommended.

Approach notes

For the Heather hat and Camerone Stone park by in the layby a few hundred meters past the roadbridge, or at the bridge itself. 5 min walk max. For Whale Rock, Pine Alps and the Blar Ban boulders park at the footbridge car park a mile up from the road bridge. 

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