Climbs 96
Rocktype Rhyolite
Altitude 700m a.s.l
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Dave Birkett on 'Impact Day' E8/9 6c, Pavey Ark. © Alastair Lee -

Crag features

Long routes, good selection at all grades. Sound and amazingly rough rock in places. 

Approach notes

Park in large carparks at the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel.

Approach time: 1 hour

A Ring Ousal pair nested somewhere below jack's rake in 2023 (I saw a pair feeding and a fledgling on 29th May). Might be worth avoiding the area for a week or so this year, and be mindful that they might be there in future. I know they aren't as rare in Lakeland, but it's still not a nest you want to disturb!
Ben1983 - 30/May/23
What is shelter from the storm? it certainly isn't a classic route.
Alan Phizacklea - 06/Nov/02
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