Climbs 92
Rocktype Dolerite
Altitude 260m a.s.l
Faces N

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Tigers overhang © odox

Crag features

Overgrown at the eastern end, but the routes there are worth cleaning and doing.

A good beginners crag with some very fine lines.

Aug 2016: There's been a number of accidents at this crag recently due to loose rocks. If you intend to visit here please be extra vigilant.

Approach notes

Oct 2021 - There is a parking machine at Steel Rigg car park which takes cards / contactless. £3 for three hours, then £2 per hour up to a maximum of £10. Cheaper parking at The Sill, but longer walk in.

The crag is visible from the Steel Rigg car park - car to crag in 5 mins.

No Access Issues

The crag is not mapped as open country under CRoW, something that may surprise anyone who has climbed there. It is, however, in the ownership of the National Trust and access made available by them. BMC is taking up the CRoW mapping issue with Natural England.

A recent rockfall from Chockstone Chimney has left the route in a dangerous state. Climbers are advised to avoid this route due to unavoidable areas of loose rock.

Visited Peel yesterday and found fresh looking rock debris around the bottom of Sunset - turns out the top block of Sunset Direct has come down. Hope no-one was on it at the time, would have been nasty :-(
sarah hawker - 30/May/16
Impossible to climb when wet, doesn't get any more slippery than this!
martinph78 - 03/Nov/12
WARNING: there is a very loose stack of blocks on Red Chimney/Jester. They are located on the right hand side 2/3 height of Jester or left hand side 2/3 height of Red Chimeny (i believe red chimney actual climbs up them). please be cautions of yourself, your second and other climbers when in this area.
josephgrimwade - 23/Apr/11
Pulled over the top of the crag once to find a USAF A10 Tankbuster coming straight at me [luckily most routes have 'bombproof' gear!]. Don't retire from climbing until you have done Rock Island Line E15b - some very satisfying moves [if you like jamming].
allmag - 16/Aug/07
Some kids threw rocks from the wall, the first missed me because I managed to duck just in time. Some big holes in the wall right of Overhanging Crack, and I wouldn't like to climb there until the wall is made safe.
Tommy Alsop - 18/Jun/07
Tigers overhang is a giveaway at VS and excellent fun. Don't let the 'big move' put you off. The protection is 100% (look for the V shaped cracks in the roof - they take a wide range of gear in excellent, well seated positions) and go for a big jug for the right hand! First time I did it I lost both feet and still cruised it!
John MacDonald - 24/Mar/05
A lovely place to spend a summer's evening... try Sunset (MS) Overhanging Crack (MVS) and Tiger's Overhang (VS 4c) the pub's only 5 minutes away as well!
Ken MacMillan - 17/Jan/04
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