5 pitches. 5 pitches of overall difficulty 6b with aid.
L1: 6a + - Beautiful length. Wall with holes, then crossing delicately to the right.
L2: 6c + - splendid pitch. Technical traverseleft then up a beautiful spur.
L3: 6c + - Start in a stiff wall, then final asking for continuity on holes.
From the belay, climb a few meters to the left and join the cross cutting the face. We are at the foot of L4 (a bolt without his plate at the start).
L4: 6b + - Very nice and varied length: adhesions then open and more athletic
L5: 6b + - Great athletic pitch (especially at the start) on free holds.



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Logged Ascents

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High 7a
Mid 7a
Low 7a
High 6c+
Mid 6c+
Low 6c+
High 6c
Mid 6c
Low 6c
Route of Interest
Tufa-ish droit

Grade: 6c+ S0 ***

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