9 pitches. Christophe Bernard has concocted an easy way for high level climbers (7a / b on average) to the right of "Felicity"

L1: 6B +. Leave on a slope that warms up the arms well, then stiff wall with some consideration. Very pretty. Avoidable by the line on the left (6a +)

After this walk slightly diagonally in vegetation about fifty meters to the foot of the next tier. Name marked.

L2: 7a - Stiff climbing up the next tier. Another line on the left is easier (6a +) just in case, arriving at the same place.

After pitch 2 follow the handrail for 15 meters left to the foot of the next pitch.

L3: 6c - After a short portion at 4c, (belay possible) a crossing on small holds and spikes, before a beautiful pillar to the belay.

L4: 7a + - Leave the belay crossing left (right above it is "a world apart") then back on technical slabs with cracks, the holes are not always big enough.

L5: 7a - The continuation of the previous, in the same tone with a mandatory step before the belay. It is possible to chain L4 and L5 with 50m. 7b. for the linking.

L6: 7b - The crux. Starting on finger pockets that hurt, then a stiff wall before a passage to access the belay. Rock less good.

L7: 7a + - Fabulous climbing then a stiff and technical wall.

L8: 7a - Cross right and then diagonally up to the right.

L9: 6c - Always diagonally to the right and still gaseous to finish in style.

Christophe Bernard.


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High 7b+
Mid 7b+
Low 7b+
High 7b
Mid 7b
Low 7b
High 7a+
Mid 7a+
Low 7a+
Route of Interest

Grade: 7b ***
(Le Cirque des Gens)

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