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Climbs 178
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 464m a.s.l
Faces S

Crag features

The climbing area around Prunn consists of 7 crags:

Prunner Turm, Prunner Wand, Mühltor, Felskirchl, Triangelturm, Steinerne Stadt and Friedrichsruh

With the exception of the Prunner Turm North Face most climbs face South, making it a popular destination in spring and autumn. Whilst the area provides some very worthwhile cracks and corners, the majority of the faces are compact in nature and require good footwork for progress.

Routes from grade II UIAA to XI- should provide ample of work for beginners as well as the more dedicated.

The vast majority of routes is well protected with bolts, whilst some trad adventures remain.

Approach notes

The entire area is under protection (Naturschutzgebiet), summits of any pinnacles must not be accessed!

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