Climbs 96
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 403m a.s.l
Faces NW

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Raven Prow, first ascent © Lankyman

Crag features

A long and very spread-out crag. Some good areas separated by long stretches of grassy/broken sections - perhaps best treated as separate crags. Best late afternoon/evenings when they catch the sun. There have been bouts of activity but in general the crag is seldom visited with the majority of routes remaining unrepeated or with few ascents so beware the grades and, in some cases, loose rock. The guide carries warnings about the exits at the South Crag where loose scree can be a serious problem though bolt lower-offs avoid exiting onto this. Nevertheless, a helmet is advised.

Approach notes

See Yorks Limestone Guide and please stick to the directions. Under no circumstances should gates be blocked. The best car park is for the South Crag. Much of the crag is on access land but it is all grazed so dogs should be on a lead at all times.

No Access Issues

The scar is on farm land and the owner seems friendly enough. There are no established rights of way, so please behave considerately - there is no need to climb over the walls.

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