Climbs 45
Rocktype Rhyolite
Altitude 150m a.s.l

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Badgers in the Mist © kieranrex

Crag features

Essentially a rhyolite board. Full of excellent standalone lines, and enough variations and link-ups, to keep even the strongest of folk entertained for a fair while. Come here with enough skin and you'll have a great time.

Although there are a few problems in the f6 range, the vast majority are f7a-f8a+.

All of the classic routes are located on the obvious overhanging main block, with a few others scattered not too far away.

Page 274 of the North Wales Bouldering Guide (2017)

Approach notes

Details: Very short approach, possibly 2-3 minutes. Can get slippery at times and very overgrown in summer.

Directions: Park in the layby next to Cae-Ddu ("Snowdonia self-catering holiday cottage" as shown on google maps). Over the road opposite to Cae-Ddu there is a gate, go through and follow the winding path upwards directly ahead of the gate before then turning right at the top to the main block.

Must. Send. Everything. Awesome spot!!
Iawn Gont - 21/Nov/17
This block is sick! Rhyolite moonboard Oooosh!! Well worth the visit. Will. Be. Back.
Tom Clough - 22/Apr/14
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