Climbs 8
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 1701m a.s.l
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Michael Stanton on Sahnestückchen (VII-) on the Buchstein in the Bavarian Prealps. © Alexander Thorp

Crag features

The Roßstein and Buchstein form a small mountain with two distinct summits above the southern end of the Tegernsee to the south of Munich. The south faces offer numbers of easily accessible and well-bolted climbs, both single pitch and short multi-pitch, many of which become snow-free and dry from early in the year, making this a popular early- and late-season venue when snow puts the bigger crags out of bounds.

Approach notes

In summer and autumn it is possible to stay in the Tegernsee Hut, situated on the col between the Roßstein and the Buchstein.

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