Climbs 150
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 2499m a.s.l
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Dusk on the Sella Pass © James Rushforth

Crag features

The Sella Towers are iconic in terms of Dolomite climbing and provide an exceptionally popular climbing venue. Perched high up on the top of the Sella Pass they look particularly impressive providing a good photogenic backdrop for the coachloads of tourists frequenting the area.

The Sella Towers are made up of four towers (although the 4th tower is a matter of some debate).

1st Sella Tower - This is the smallest and most popular of the three towers with the sunny south face stealing the show as the most frequented in the group. The routes here are shorter, very accessible and almost without exception excellent. This tower is a victim of its own success, and an increasing amount of polish is found on the routes here.

2nd Sella Tower - The 2nd Tower is famous for its steep north face and very compact rock. The Messner (North Face Direct) route is featured in Reinhold Messner's book 'The Seventh Grade' and is notorious for its committing nature. The Kasnapoff route that starts up the north face and moves round onto the northwest ridge has become a Dolomites classic and is well worth a look.

3rd Sella Tower - This is the largest of the three towers and is home to the Vinatzer route, another Dolomites classic.

Approach notes

The Sella lies north of the Marmolada and to the east of Sassolungo.

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