Climbs 105
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 233m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Jack's first trad lead of the season is a stonker! © funter

Crag features

Good quality, quick-drying gneiss crags, with some amazing rough rock and plentiful routes in the HS - E3 range.

Approach notes

Park at the green hut (still sometimes known as "The Red Barn"  despite not having been red for well over a decade!). Walk along the good path/track southwards for 1/2 mile or so until a shallow valley leads down left, a short way after the path switchbacks. Follow this down over the river by an abandoned bridge, and a small trail winds rightwards and steeply upwards to the crags.

No Access Issues

Park at the green hut, walk along the good path/track southwards for 1/2 mile or so until a shallow valley leads down left, a short way after the path switchbacks. Follow this down over the river by an abandoned bridge, and a small trail winds rightwards and steeply upwards to the crags.

All the sport routes belong on Creag Nan Cadhag - - and should be moved there and deleted off Stone Valley.
Fiend - 12/Jul/13
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