76m, 4 pitches. Delicate and exposed. Start below a ramp just right of Tophet Wall.
1.) 18m (5a), climb the ramp to a good spike, make a difficult and committing pull out left onto the steep wall which is followed up to a good ledge.
2.) 18m (4b), step right around a bulging corner into a recess. Climb its left wall on small holds to a ledge which is followed left to a large corner (junction with Tophet Wall).
3.) 20m (4c), follow Tophet Wall to a line of good flake holds on the left. Make a rising traverse across the Great Slab in a superb position to a spike belay on the edge.
4.) 20m. Traverse left, step left around a corner and finish up the pockmarked slab.

AR Dolphin and AB Gilchrist Apr/1945.


The Complete Dolphin Collection , Lakeland's Greatest Pioneers


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Route of Interest
Gomorrah Ridge Variation

Grade: VS 4c ***

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