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Climbs 22
Rocktype Granodiorite
Altitude 6m a.s.l
Faces NW

Crag features

5 Buttresses spread along the coast south west of Trefor on the Lleyn Peninsula. No. 5 buttress is the largest and contains the classic Avernus

Approach notes

Access directly from the beach

Return description in North Wales Rock a bit misleading. Go up to the top of the small quarry where the quarry track heads inland towards some telegrph poles which lead up to a col, as you near the col you join a major track which leads you back down to Trefor, it's an hours walk. Do not underestimate this route, it is a big day out with very tricky route finding, testing grassy mantleshelves, good exposure, think in terms of a proper alpine route.
Mike Raine - 13/Sep/09
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